Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Celebrate! Last evening teaching session over... for now.

Apologies for the lack of recent posts. I have been doing immense twelve hour days and literally getting in bed after about half an hour at home. Going to bed super early means my day feels like work - eat - bed, but at least it means I can cope with the next immense day without feeling like I want to sit in a corner rocking and crying.

However, this is a happy post because my last evening session is now out of the way and I can complete normal length days until it's time for me to leave. I've told my students to come in for English next week, but realistically I only expect half of them to bother (that doesn't make it right... but will almost definitely be the case).

The worry I have now is whether things will be in order, and completed ready for the new teacher. Part of me thinks 'so what if they're not?' but I do want to hand over a strong group to my replacement. Yet, the ones that won't be ready and won't have the same amount of work to show are the students who have not attended classes, messed about all lesson, or generally not been interested in the slightest. I could slog my guts out trying to contact them and make them come to lesson (I've already emailed their main tutors), but given I'm working crazy days and have to travel between sites a lot, I just don't have the time.

So here we go - the beginning of the end of two and a bit years of working at a place I hated. What will the future bring? I'm hoping a reasonable and organised timetable with fair size groups. Fingers crossed!

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