Friday 12 October 2012

Moving day is here!!!

I am moving tomorrow!

So far we have got a sexy kettle and toaster:

Kenwood kettle retro

Kenwood toaster retro
A mattress and a dyson vacuum cleaner. So we can eat toast, drink tea, hoover and lie down. That's pretty much all we need to survive. But in an effort to have places to put things, and items to entertain us, my boyfriend is picking up everything we bought on ebay tomorrow. It's going to take him hours as the items are all over the East Midlands.

Tonight I need to start packing. Then tomorrow I will be moving my things, collecting the keys, cleaning the new house and making lunch. There are better ways to spend a Saturday, but I'm so excited to be moved in!

Hope you are all excited for a fun-filled weekend!


Unknown said...

I wish I could move house >< Sad times: I've lived in the same house my entire life D:

Unknown said...

You've still got it to look forward to! It's also a bit boring too, sorting bills and deliveries!

Our Home said...

Where did you get this amazing kettle and toaster?

Unknown said...

The kettle and toaster are for sale from John Lewis! They work brilliantly too.